Dorsch International at the 2nd Turkish German Water Partnership Day in Istanbul

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On April 17th and 18th Dorsch International took part in the 2nd Turkish German Water Partnership Day in Istanbul.

At this conference 230 economy and politics experts discussed current challenges and market potentials in the municipal and industrial water industry in Turkey. Alongside the companies' and ministries' experts, numerous representants of the universities and the associations, of the financial branch as well as of water supply companies took part in this specialised exchange of knowhow which had been organised by the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Town Planning, the Turkish City and Communities Association and the German Water Partnership.

In the course of the workshop about water losses Alexander Goertz presented the experience Dorsch International has gained during numerous international water loss reduction projects.

Dorsch has been working for Turkey for over 10 years. The past projects have comprised engineering in the fields of water supply, waste water, civil engineering and airports.

Because of its dynamic development and the intensive environmental projects for the EU admission preparations, Turkey will remain an interesting market.

Alexander Goertz, head of international cooperation division of DI, meeting Dr. Frank Wolcke, General Manager Water/Environment at Dornier Consulting, at the GWP Day in Istanbul (Source: German Water Partnership)