Sustainability Reports Published according to United Nations Global Compact

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In December 2018, the Dorsch Gruppe companies Dorsch International and BDC for the first time published independent Sustainability Reports in German language according to the UNGC framework.

More than 13,000 companies and organizations from 161 countries have already participated in this United Nations initiative on a voluntary basis. The aim of the network is to face the global challenges in cooperation with public authorities, companies and NGOs.

As one of the first companies in the consulting engineering sector, both companies report according to UNGC on the topics Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-corruption.

The goal is to report transparently to employees, clients and communication partners - not only of economic, but also of ecological and social aspects of business activities. From now on, both companies will communicate annually on their progress, goals and measures concerning the sustainability management at Dorsch.

The two Sustainability Reports in German Language (COP - Communication on Progress) are available here at the United Nations Global Compact website:
<link https: what-is-gc participants external-link-new-window external link in new> (Dorsch International)
<link https: what-is-gc participants external-link-new-window> (BDC)

We look forward to receiving your feedback or questions concerning our sustainability measures and reports at <link window for sending>