Construction of the 2nd Wusterwitz Lock
A new Wusterwitz Lock on the Elbe-Havel Canal is to be constructed as part of the German Unity Transport Project VDE 17 (navigation connection from Hanover via Berlin to the Baltic).
The lock is to provide a usable chamber length of 190 m with a breadth of 12.50 m for ships and barge trains with an overall length of up to 185 m and width of up to 11.40 m.
The lift depends on the prevailing canal conditions, and will attain a maximum of 4.75 m.
Ancillary structures include a pumping station enabling water to be returned to the Elbe-Havel Canal.
The project also comprises the reconstruction of the Wusterwitz weir, the connection of the up-and downstream landings to the existing canal and all temporary works.
A variety of competing filling systems and chamber designs were investigated, as well as a tandem solution using both the existing and new locks.

- Marine
- Hydraulic Engineering
Dorsch Engineers GmbH
Wasserstraßen-Neubauamt Magdeburg
From 2003 to 2007
Wusterwitz, Germany
Project Activities
The services comprise design and tender preparation for:
- Civil, geotechnical and hydraulic engineering
- Reinforced concrete works and sheet piling
- Stabilisation works for the canal sides and invert
- Drainage facilities
- Superstructure and fitting out; building services
- Hydraulic steel structures and ancillary equipment
- Mechanical engineering and piping
- Electrical engineering, control and monitoring
- equipment
- Roads and bridges