Extension of Diagnostica Production with High Rack Storage
In the course of the project „Extension of Production Patient Care Mannheim“ a new building with production and logistic handling area will be constructed on the premises of the firm Roche Diagnostics GmbH. The multi-storey building will be constructed as steel skeleton building and consists of the basement with an energy tunnel below, the 1. Floor, three upper floors and a service floor. The high rack storage facility of reinforced concrete has 6 alleys, three of which are provided as refrigerated alleys. The entire building complex (multi-storey building and high rack storage facility) will have complete sprinkler protection.
The following systems are foreseen and/or planned for the mechanical trade sections:
- Air handling systems - Steam supply
- Heating - Chiller systems
- Compressed air supply - Building automation
A power supply system fed by two transformers (1600 kVA) are planned for the building power supply. The transformers are fed by an internal 20 kV-network. Low voltage systems consist of telecommunication, building automation and the DP-network and the fire alarm system.

- Buildings & Architecture
Dorsch Engineers GmbH
Roche Diagnostics
From 2000 to 2004
Mannheim, Germany
Project Activities
- Vorplanung
- Entwurfsplanung
- Ausführungsplanung
- Vorbereiten der Vergabe
- Mitwirken bei der Vergabe
- Objektüberwachung
- Objektbetreuung und Dokumentation
- Objektplanung
- Tragwerkplanung
- Technische Ausrüstung
- Bauphysik