Extension of Northern Urban Beltway - Section Petuelring / Schenkedorstrasse

In the Munich area the Urban Beltway is the road with the highest traffic load amounting to a maximum volume of approx. 130,000 vehicles a day.
In 1965 Dorsch Consult was authorised for the first time to design the Urban Beltway. Up to present the company has participated significantly in the conceptional design and extension of this high-capacity beltway, which is part of the Munich urban history of construction.
Due to a great number of problems to be solved (buildings, canals, underground and metropolitan railway traffic having to continue uninterruptedly during construction period) planning was based on a high degree of difficulty.
The Petuel Tunnel Project – one of the most modern tunnel structures and the road extension of the urban beltway – was a new challenge for us again and again.


  • Roads
  • Transportation
  • Tunnels & Bridges


Dorsch Engineers GmbH


City of Munich, Department of Works


From 1989 to 2004


Munich, Germany

Project Activities

  • Surveying of areas in regard to buildings
  • Preliminary, basic and detailed designs for relocation of canals
  • Soil investigation with assessment of excavated earth
  • Design and tendering, preliminary measures for relocation of Nymphenburg-Biedersteiner Canal and retaining walls
  • Preliminary, basic, approval and detailed designs for the tunnel including also
  • Operation centres and exit air structures and provisional traffic alignment (six-lanes) during construction period with final road extension for tunnel and surface
  • tunnel units
  • Operational tunnel concept for equipment and commissioning of road tunnels: tunnel drainage, fire-fighting water supply, tunnel walls’ panelling, banisters and doors
  • Checking of casing designs for the tunnel facilities and fire-fighting water supply.

