Federal Expressway A72, Chemnitz – Bavarian State Border

In 1940 construction work on the A 72, formerly A 8, came to a halt. At that time the expressway consisted of a 33.5 km, four-lane section between Chemnitz junction and Zwickau East; from there to the border with Bavaria (57 km) only a single carriageway existed, while an approx. 4.2 km stretch near Pirk bridge was not open to traffic at all. 

In the year 2010 traffic volumes of approx. 66 000 vehicles/24h are forecast in the Chemnitz area and about 40 000 vehicles/24h in the region of the border with Bavaria. The extension of the A 72 to take normal traffic flow comprises the following measures:

  • complete re-design of the cross section to include hard shoulders and additional lanes
  • gradient improvements, especially in the case of insufficient summit curves
  • complete rehabilitation of the pavement
  • new drainage system incorporating retention basins and measures to protect receiving waters from pollution upgrading of 10 interchanges and construction of 2 new ones
  • provision of 2 service stations as well as public conveniences at 7 locations
  • installation of a new emergency telephone system
  • reconstruction and/or rehabilitation with completely new superstructures of 115 small-scale bridges over-bridges and underbridges)
  • reconstruction and/or rehabilitation of 6 large-scale bridges, 2 of which (Culitzsch 160 m, and Friesenbach 202 m) were designed by Dorsch Consult
  • road marking/signing and wildlife fencing
  • noise protection embankments and walls and passive protection measures on buildings
  • landscape conservation and other compensation measures

Dorsch Consult, either alone or together with subcontractors, is responsible for all contractual engineering services in connection with these construction measures (effected without disrupting traffic).




  • Roads


Dorsch Engineers GmbH


Expressway Department of Saxony, Dresden and Expressway Directorate of Northern Bavaria, Nuremberg


From 1991 to 2007


the Free State of Saxony, Germany

Project Activities

  • Traffic studies
  • Terrestrial surveying
  • Subsoil investigations
  • Environmental studies
  • Preliminary and detailed highway design
  • Structural design of bridges
  • Tender documents and assistance during award of contracts
  • Construction supervision
  • Parts of project management.







