International Airport – Business Aviation Terminal
Under this contract it was necessary to plan an extension of the installations for business traffic at the existing airport facility of Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel in Germany.
A new general aviation terminal was required to fulfil the major functions of security control, passport and customs control for arriving and departing flights, collection of landing and takeoff charges, flight preparation for pilots prior to departure, contact with AIS and MET station and flight plan approval, as well as a VIP lounge and waiting area for passengers with bar and duty-free zones. Space was also required for air traffic control and the apron services.
The two aircraft hangars (80 x 40 x 20 m) were required for maintenance and parking purposes. A twostorey office building with workshop annexes was to be built adjacent to the hangars. Apart from workshops, the ground floor had to accommodate the central heating system, the high and low voltage distribution system and a 6 kV transformer.
A central air conditioning system had to be installed in the upper floor above the heating station. An apron (278 x 40 m) had to be designed both for use as a parking surface and for any necessary operational work on the aircraft; it was planned to integrate an aircraft fueling system on the east side.
The contract also comprised road traffic facilities, water supply and disposal systems - including the airport's entire drainage system -, heat supply and ventilation, electrical engineering and surveying work.

- Buildings & Architecture
- Airports
Dorsch Engineers GmbH
Hamburg Airport Authority
From 1987 to 1988
Hamburg, Germany
Project Activities
- Feasibility study
- Preliminary design
- Cost estimate
- For traffic/drainage system:
- Plan approval procedure
- Detailed design
- Tender documents