New Design of Central Bus Terminal with 2-storey Underground Parking Garage
The central bus terminal is foreseen on an area of approx. 7.100 m2. Traffic connection of the ZOB to the road network is effected via a newly signalized junction. 18 directionally organized stop positions were arranged. The bus terminal is located centrally on the same elevation as Track 1 of the main railway station Wuppertal. Ascent and descent to the main level is accomplished via stairs, escalators and elevators. The transition to Track 1 will be on the same level. The sub-structure of the bus terminal will be accomplished with access from the main level as passages and the ascents and descents to the central bus terminal and also the access to the planned underground parking garage.
The Mall is planned in front of the historic railway station and offers approx. 2.300 m2 on two levels for shops, restaurants and services.
Direct and unrestricted transition to the parking decks with approx. 250 public parking spaces and to the railway station is possible with protection against weather influences. Access to the underground parking garage is possible via the railway station drive on Level 0, exit is accomplished with traffic signals via Level 2, next to the structurally separated exit of the bus terminal, located above the parking deck. The bus terminal can be reached through the Mall or via the upper main level via the stairway ascents and descents.

- Buildings & Architecture
- Transportation
Dorsch Engineers GmbH
Stadt Wuppertal
Since 2004
Wuppertal, Germany
Project Activities
- Preliminary Design
- Concept Design
- Construction GVFG/FAG-request