New International Trade Fair Centre – Auxiliary Facilities North and East
The contract embraced the construction of auxiliary facilities for the new international trade fair ground in Munich-Riem, which was due to be opened in 1998.
The facilities involved were a loading/unloading bay, customs area, goods storage warehouse, systems erection hall, solid waste disposal area as well as administration complex with workshops and underground parking lots.
DORSCH CONSULT was responsible for the engineering of the technical installations, including the sprinkler system for the fire-fighting facilities.

- Buildings & Architecture
- Urban Infrastructure & Utilities
Dorsch Engineers GmbH
Munich Trade Fair Centre
From 1993 to 1996
Munich, Germany
Project Activities
- Tragwerksplanung
- Technische Gebäudeausrüstung
- Sanitär, Heizung, Lüftung/Klima, Sprinkler
- inklusive Gebäudeautomation, Elektrotechnik