Railway Line Hamburg – Berlin, Section 2
The upgrade of the railway line between Hamburg and Berlin includes the increase of the existing admissible speed v = 160 km/h up to a new design speed of v = 230 km/h. This upgrading will shorten the travel time of the high-speed train between Hamburg and Berlin from 2.5 hours down to 1.5 hours.
Dorsch Consult Berlin received the contract award for the central construction supervision in Lot 2 between Neustadt/Dosse and Klein Warnow along a section of approx. 76 km.
A four-year construction period has been scheduled. During this period trains will continue to pass uninterruptedly. Works will partly also be implemented at night and during weekends at times when traffic can be temporarily interrupted. The central office for construction supervision will therefore have a manning level amounting to 16 persons.
Construction commenced on the overall section on March 3rd, 2002. The ground-breaking ceremony was started in construction lot 2 by Mr. Hartmut Mehdorn, the chairman of the DB AG (German Federal Railways).

- Railways
Dorsch Engineers GmbH
German Federal Railways
From 2002 to 2008
Hamburg - Berlin, Germany
Project Activities
Dorsch Consult supervises the following works: Earthworks:
- improvement of subsoil
- widening of embankments
- replacement of sleepers and ballast
- rehabilitation of permanent track Civil engineering works:
- replacement of all the railway level crossings
- new construction of connecting roads, bridges and road and pedestrian underpasses
- new construction and raising of platform levels Construction of overhead line system:
- adaptation of the overhead line system to the new design speed
- conversion of the Wittenberg Station
Signalling and controlling:
- adaptation of signalling and controlling to the increased design speed.