Water Management / Flood Investigation of Schmutter River

Schmutter is a river of the Danube River System in southern Germany. The project objective is to provide hydraulic analysis of the river system between the municipalities of Fischach and Biberach (total length of 45 km) to assess the potential impact of major floods. The Schmutter River meets the Danube River close to Donauwoerth in Southern Germany. The meanders of the river in the upper reaches are very narrow and relocate often and easily. Towards the estuary, the river bed widens. North of the motorway A8, the Schmutter River has been strengthened in the past by embankments which are running alongside. Several times a year, the water in the Schmutter River reaches critical levels which cause flooding during the winter and summer months. Water quantity monitoring results as well as rainfall run-off monitoring results of the past decades formed the basis for the hydraulic modelling of the river system.

The hydraulic analysis was prepared using a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) which is based on areal and terrestric survey data. For the hydraulic model, the software SMS/Hydro-AS-2d was used. The results of the analysis were used to develop a detailed water and flood management plan as well as a decision support system. Short, medium and long term measures were developed to improve the quality of the water management in the area.


  • Hydraulic Engineering


Dorsch Engineers GmbH


State Department for Water Management, Donauwoerth, Germany


From 2003 to 2008


Augsburg, Germany

Project Activities

  • Water quantity monitoring
  • Preparation of a Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
  • Development of a rainfall runoff model
  • Development of a hydraulic model of the river system
  • Analysis of various scenarios
  • Development of a water and flood management plan
  • Development of a decision support system
  • Proposal of short/medium/long term measures to improve water management.

